Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is not your typical shounen. I find it amazing that it's created to cater to shounens (i.e., in Japanese, school-age boys). I decided to watch "Fullmetal Alchemist" (not the Brotherhood) because I thought it had this light, action story, which I was looking for at the time. However, when I watched the first episode, it was like the episode finished with my mouth agape and my eyes left staring. "Um wow. What was that?" Deep.
Deep, philosophical, melodramatic, and mature (not the sensual meaning of the term). (Btw, I switched to FMAB after a few episodes and I cried on Episode 9. How about that? Too early. It's not even Ep10. XD) i'm on Episode 20 now and I can say that this shounen anime is not naive, unlike many others of its genre. It thinks in a very mature way. And I llike the morality here better, than, say, HxH. Edward and Alphonse are admirable protagonists. The supporting characters are as well. This anime has no nonsense. Even the comic scenes that I so much love (lol I love Ed's reactions everytime!) work very well.
Speaking of the comic scenes, oh boy, I really really love them! Even those tiny sparks over Armstrong? i love them! lol
And speaking of Armstrong, I have gotten really attached to so many supporting characters. I think they're all wonderful. Again, no nonsense. No stuff forced and intended to make the anime "sell". And I just have to say that I'm crushing on Colonel Roy Mustang. lol
And one thing I'm also anazed with about this anime is how it considers women. I'm not a feminist or anything, but I really feel the difference. I think this snime does it right, compared to HxH and other shounen animes. It is rare. I'm really amazed. I love so many female characters in this anime, and the different scenes which celebrate and uphold the weaker-though-never-inferior-but-should-be-cherished sex. This anime really got me. XD