Now Playing:
*New Game*
- The Last of Us - Naughty Dog's best game ever!? It could be, especially with all of the excellent reviews the game is getting (IGN even gave it a 10/10 which is ultra rare). However in my honest opinion this is the best game of 2013 so far. Now zombie games are almost a dime a dozen now-a-days, especially with the Walking Dead still strong in popularity but ND went a slightly different approach to the genre and made them rabid fungal infected (i.e. "fast zombies", sort-of) which is based off of a real-life biological occurance and could possibly happen today if taken to high extremes. Although the worst are the "clickers" whom are completely blind but have very stong hearing sences and if they find you and get too close to them it's game over. The graphics in this are downright amazing and I am still shocked how even ND can pull these visuals off even on current-gen consoles, they are even highly more detailed than their Uncharted games. Speaking of Uncharted the controls are very similar except without the Prince of Persia-style climbing, hanging and jumping, you are not playing Tomb Raider here, and all work very well with the PS3 controller. Most of the items and tools you use have to be crafted from parts found around the areas and you cannot do this while the game is paused and this even includes healing so it's best to do this either when the area is clear or you are in a lot more safer place from baddies. You can also upgrade your weapons via benches with salvage parts found and higher upgrades reguire toolsets to make which can be easily missed of your are not careful, plus you can find pills and skill books that increase your physical attributes and item usage. I will say this is one of the most intense survival horror games I have ever played becuase if you are not carefull then you could be either wasting through all of your hard-earned ammo and health items or getting way too overwhelmed from baddies which leads to some very quick deaths. Putting on your sneaking shoes is literally the best way to go through most of the game's areas and try to take out your foes one-by-one or if possible just sneak by them to get to the next area and this is crucial if you are either alone or only with your child partner Ellie. Ellie is definately a little ass-kicker, although she can't use a gun, and with a big potty mouth even for a young teenager to boot however you still have to be carefull with her becuase if she gets pinned down and dies it's also game over, same goes with any other people that are helping you although they mostly can get out of bad situations. I am greatly loving this game and all of the charactors, story and enviroments defiantely gets my big thumbs up to this. If you have a Playstation 3 and need some high intensity action then buy this game right now and is a highly recommended "swan song" of this console generation before the next genernation of gaming fully starts.
- Borderlands 2 - I have already purchased "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" DLC addon, which sadly will be the last DLC mission pack for the game, however I still want to go through at least all of the main missions on the true vault hunter run for my commando class and right now I'm going to the wildlife preserve which is just past the half-way point. The DLC seems to take place after the main story anyway (although it can be accessed at any point) becuase based on the reviews the story mentions *spoilers* which happens right near the end of the main game anyway. The download is 1.7 gigs which is the same size as General Nox's for Borders 1 however Gearbox is saying that this is their largest DLC pack yet and just the main missions alone can take up to 8 hours to go through. Time to bring the boom!
- Nothing much else, still like to purchase the recent Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara but with Dragon's Crown being released next month I'm probably not going to even bother. Also if possible like to finally finish up Tales of Graces F due to Xillia coming out next month as well.
Games to purchase in July:
- Nothing, that also includes Dynasty Warriors 8 (out 07/16) and I have played every single DynWar game (not including the off-shoots and Empires titles) and honestly I'm getting sick of them. Sure it's damn fun to mash and mash hundred of soldiers with crazy-ass super moves but there are way better games to play that are more worth my time (and my game backlog is still large). Also I more like to see what Omega Force has in store for the next gen of consoles than with the current.