So the blog eh? I thought I would never use that, but after some thinking I came to the conclusion that it might just come in handy ! xD I know a lot of people who use this thing usually write about VNs and games and club cards and waifu(s) and whatnot and that's most likely what I'm going to do as well! But after all, I feel that it will be strange to just start from those things and cuz of that, I'm going to write bout something else in my first entry >> Yep, as the title says, I'm gonna write bout the awkward story of how I got into anime >.<
Some people say that watching anime has turned them into perverts... I say that because I'm a pervert I started watching anime... Let me tell you why Ever since I was little (probably 4 or 5) I am a gamer. I *do* dare to say that I think of myself as a hardcore gamer, in fact. xD I have heard/read that some people say that gaming and anime "go hand-in-hand", but I just didn't "feel" it... And just like that I remained only on the gaming side of the otaku world for quite a long time... Now at some point during that time (specifically when I was 8) I started doing what pretty much all the boys in the world do... I started watching porn and...you know... fapping >///< For a (kind) long period of time after that, I was still gaming and fapping as usual... And then a thought occurred to me >> "Fapping and gaming is all fine and all, but what if, just what if I wasn't fapping to just some random people that were paid to do this, but instead to all those characters from video games that I know and love??" And I searched.... And I found some hentai.... Mind you, most of them, if not all, were not "actual" hentai, but rather those "3D" variants that every one seems to hate And I was...satisfied for the time being... But then I said to myself "Well, I seem to enjoy this very much so what if I try some random "normal" (AKA 2D) hentai??" And I did.... And I liked it... And I started watching all sorts of hentai >> Oh, and by the way, ever since then I haven't watched any "normal" porn...Only hentai FTW!! After some time, I started thinking "Well if like hentai, maybe I would also like regular anime..." And then I started exploring YouTube for this and that Keep in mind that I still had absolutely no intention of ever watching anime, I was just doing this cuz "Why not" ?... And then on YouTube I found this awesome guy called Misty Chronexia ... He was doing (and still is) anime "Top 10" lists and other anime related stuff Even though I had no knowledge of the anime world, I liked how he was doing them and just kept on watching.. And then I came upon his video titled "Top 10 Ecchi anime".... At the time I didn't even knew what "Ecchi" means >.< So I watched it and the number 1 spot got my attention It was an anime called "Highschool DxD"... He showed a certain scene from episode 12 of the second season and I was...intrigued At first I thought "Yo, this looks like Gundam but with boobs!" Now I should mention that while I knew that Gundam is an anime, all my knowledge of it came from the Dynasty Warriors Gundam games xD And I watched Highschool DxD.... And I liked it.... And from there I started looking for similar ones and found stuff, which led me to other stuff.... and just like that I had entered this "Anime community" .... .... .... Well that's pretty much the whole story! In the end, because I was a pervert I ended up liking anime... He he he...