This time it took me longer to get back here and write something because I'm watching one or two EPs when I've time so it takes very long till I'm finished with one show.
Ookami to Koushinryou / Spice'n Wulf
I've watched this show in two or three days (all three parts), which is something good.
I've loved the medieval setting and the refreshingly new story type together with the main chars which are really something unique.
Lawrence and Holo are travelling together and trying to make money by trading, one of the things that are shown very detailed and in a way that simply their trading storys are already worth watching the show.
For the main plot: It's there, but while the whole Anime is about them trying to reach the target of their travel it's also never reached. The show is having an open end, even after all three parts, this is probably the biggest downside of it. It's not totally open but it leaves some questions which appeared through the story, problems about how it'll turn all out in the end.
In fact I was wondering if I've really just watched all three parts and reached the end of Ookami to Koushinryou II.
For the love story: The biggest difference here is that Holo isn't shown as the totally insecure girl which can be threated like a kid by Lawrence. She's drawn as a nice but also really experienced and self confident Personality, making her Character even better because we don't have the typical crybaby in her.
Eureka Seven
I still have to watch two eps from the first part but I'll tell something about it anyway.
It's a story about a boy, Renton, trying to reach his dreams, of being together with the military mecha piloting group "Gekko State" and falling in love, while having to deal with the real world and, oh, there was another story and a sci-fi setting which doesn't make really sense.
The good
Renton as a main protagonist is a very good main char and it's role as a 14-year old boy is shown very realistic but mostly without getting on your nerves.
He's not the crybaby for most times and his experience with the wild and raw live of his beloved crew of the Gekko State is drawn really realistic.
Renton does get to know how these heroes and their every day lives are in reality and he's not shown as the "I'm here, now I'm the best" guy which is accepted by everyone directly, which gave me some good laughs.
For example his beloved girl has some little Kids on board which are starting to fight against him, the one taking their mother away from them by trying to start a relationship. Or the part about him getting sick when he's floating around in those mechs, something like that, making him more realistic so you can feel for him as a young boy.
There are scenes where Renton is dreaming and meets other persons in his dreams, these scenes are such good horror storys and trips into the fears kids can have that I was kinda scared being astonished by it at 2 O'clock am.
The bad
The really idea about where those idea about energy / particle waves are coming from, making it these mechs possible to float around, "surfing" on them, isn't explained and even more you're dropped in without any explanation.
The origin of the mechs is also never explained. Over time you're getting the information that these are in fact really alive and something about questions like why they're having a human form or that they can age.
The ugly
The whole conflict between Renton and Holland, the captain of the Gekko State, isn't really explained, it's more like a feels trip.
Also unexplained till now is the past of Eureka, his love, there are parts where you're simply can not understanding why she does something and what she is in reality, like when she's talking to the machines and being so completely clueless about words like love.
The crew is rating Renton as dangerous because he can summon a huge impact of this particle energy, but you're never told why it's that of a problem, what really happened to his father and to top it all you're never told from what Holland is "running away" as some crew members are stating, "using" Renton.
The story has something mysterious, for example Rentons bond with Eureka, why they're fighting against the military and the relationship between Eureka and her "bad sister", which is the only way I can describe this other person which is shown from time to time, while Eureka and her are fighting each other in their dreams.
The main story itself is interesting and is not trying at all greats to reach the target of the overwhelming hero Renton, taking it's time where needed.
There are many unexplained things, many open storys of which I hope that I'll be told more about in the next season.
But you could also say that you're shown the view of Renton, being dropped into all of this, something why I really love this show till now.
As of now I'm having mixed feelings but it's definitely worth watching compared to the most shows atm.