So Kazuharu went from being that perverted to the max side character that doesn't know the meaning of restraint that you questioned WHY he even existed to actually being an alright guy. I'm convinced after watching both seasons Kazuharu is the real protagonist with Yukinari getting a pathetic amount of screen time and character development when compared to Kazuharu in both seasons. Yukinari even gets reduced to fanservice at one point.
WARNING minor spoilers at this point.
Hell even Lilica who you hardly see at all has more of a back story and a character than Yukinari and Miharu combined! I mean she's been in military operations such as Bosnia, Somalia, Chechnya and Afghanistan and has multiple scars on her body as proof. She's clearly been through some shit and all this serves is to futher the development of a very minor side character that deals justice to anyone that litters. Even Kirie is more of a protagonist than Yukinari and yet... Kazuharu still trumps her ten times over in character development. She's angry, she's violent she's the childhood friend, yup that's it, that's Kirie's character in a nutshell.
All and all Girl's bravo was an interesting experience much like how Gravion got a lot better with season 2 it was the same story with GB only a completely different ride.. I think what amused me the most was how much GB ignored it's own selling point to the point you're questioning why there's aliens or why there's even another world or why does Yukinari have a phobia towards women just for him to lose it out of no where?! Really GB gives me the vibe that it should have been a comedy/parody and nothing more.
The final fight was surprisingly boss i actually have to give generic violent childhood friend a pat on the back for that display of ass whooping. There wasn't a single fight even close to that scale, just goes to show you really can't judge something until you watch it in it's entirety.