Charlotte: This seems cool so far. MC is entertaining and the rest of the cast is pretty entertaining. Opening is nice.
Gakkou Gurashi!: This show has a pretty extreme mix. While it has some very drastic tone shifts it's done pretty well imo
Gangsta: This is great so far Nicolas and Worrick are great. Nicolas is best boy of the season. Don't really care for the chick at all.
God Eater: Other than the unique art style this anime is pretty meh so far. I think I was expecting too much out of this series. Those underboobs were great XD
Jitsu wa Watashi wa: I've already read the manga and it's a very enjoyable series. Art style is slightly different from the manga but it isn't too bad. A lot of funny moments and it should only get funnier from here. Although as an adaptation it is extremely random. I hope it doesn't go too out of control.
Prison School: Very weird and perverted humor so far but I'm still enjoying. Love the art style. Censored but the censors aren't too annoying.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou: Surprisingly enjoyable so far. Snake girl is best girl so far. I actually don't really hate the MC's guts which is a nice surprise :)
Overlord: Mixed feelings about this one. Pacing is too slow and most of the characters are pretty meh. Even the yanderes aren't that appealing to me.
To LOVE-Ru Darkness 2nd:Censors are everywhere and they can be pretty annoying. Still gonna watch this for Momo. Probably have to re watch it once the uncensored version comes out.
Ranpo Kitan: Game of Laplace: I love crime shows so I'm excited for this. Although I hate the OP trap MC!
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai: The dirty jokes are funny. Characters and settings are also a lot of fun. Looking forward to where this goes.