-Enjoyment was a 10
-Kept my interest throughout
-A series I can (and probably will) watch again and again
Example: One Piece
9: Amazing!
-Enjoyment was a 9 or so
-Kept my interest throughout
-A series that has high probability of being rewatched
Example: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
8: Great
-Enjoyment was an 8
-Kept my interest most of the time
-A series that has a medium to high probability of being rewatched
Example: High School DxD
7: Above Average
-Enjoyment was a 6 to 7
-Kept my interest
-A series that has a medium probability of being rewatched
Example: Fruits Basket
6: Slighty above average;
-Enjoyment was 5
-My interest wasn’t really kept that long
-A series that has a low to medium probablity of being rewatched
Example: B Gata H Kei
5: Average
-Enjoyment was a 4.5 to 5
-Didn’t keep my interest at all
-Series has a low probability of being rewatched
Example: Sailor Moon Crystal
4: Below Average
-Enjoyment was a 4 to 4.5
-Didn’t keep my interest
-Series has a low probability of being rewatched
Example: Dear Boys
3: What’s this crap?
-Enjoyment was a NO!
-My interest was in another room
-Chances of anime rated this being rewatched is when pigs fly and the ocean catches on fire and burns up
Example: Green Green
2: Defuq did I just watch?
Example: N/A
Example: N/A
Most of my anime is usually rated 7 or 8. I give anime I watch a score usually when I’m more than halfway done with the anime, then I might change the score at the end if it warrants a change. I’m pretty lenient with my ratings, except on anime that is so eye gougingly bad, I have no choice but to rate it below 5. And I genuinely do enjoy most of the anime I watch. I try to give every anime I watch a fair chance. I don’t rate anime on individual aspects like characters, plot, story, music, etc. I just base my score on the anime as a whole and my experience with watching said anime. It’s rare for an anime to get a 10 from me as most of my anime (even my favorite anime) have an 8 or 9. Only 5 anime have a 10: Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, One Piece and Fairy Tail. It’s also rare for an anime to get below a 5. Only 4 anime is below a 5: Dear Boys, School Days, Green Green and Amnesia.