House of Five Leaves is my cup of tea and anime which do the homework to entertain such hopeless soul for its atmosphere and characters in general even if it disappoint me in the end . Why ? you will know my opinion in the review and I wouldn’t give scores to each section. Non spoiler review . Please read the synopsis of the anime before reading this review. Your feedback is welcomed .
This is the first thing which you can notice from the cover that the character designs looks different than the norm . I personally love to experience a new style of drawing and character design to watch .They may look like designs which made by a person who don’t know how to draw but The facial expression looks pretty clear and this is the most important thing in my humble opinion . I’m not of great taste when It comes to artistic evaluation . you can call me tasteless causal but I was pleased with the backgrounds and colors :/ .
Sound : Sorry but I wouldn’t be able to give a judge on this point specially I actually watched the show long time ago .
Story / characters :
From reading the synopsis you can sense that this is story about characters and their background which force them to be a part of the small gang called Five Leaves. It is quite promising anime in the beginning with a mysterious atmosphere .because of course it doesn’t throw their background in forced silly exposition. Yaichi is the mysterious dude , always try to hide any kind of personal information about himself and charismatic leader of the 5 Leaves . Masanosuke is a shy person who doesn’t look like a skilled swordsman but a weak person with weak personality . Masanosuke find interest in knowing Yaichi the charismatic leader because he find in Yaichi what he lacks of. Matsukichi is another member of the gang . he is just doing his job and not very interactive person but interesting enough to know about him “ may be not for other viewers “ . Umezou is a tavern owner and overprotective father of his own cute daughter Kinu. He is also a member of the five leaves . He may seem unfriendly in the first glance to Masanosuke but you can guess this type of personality . There are other characters but I think this is enough.
All the characters can be likable to a lot of viewers because they don’t act in dull or stupid way . There is variety which doesn’t make them a copy pasted character in the setting and the anime reveals the past of each main character in well done way specially the flash backs of Yaichi past which attracted me to know more but sometimes it felt randomly given to the viewer . The characters are well developed/ explored. Finally the disappointing point , the point which disappointed me most is that the anime actually didn’t reveal much about Masanosuke the first main character and his past except few enough information about him which may be a strong point too others. Story just stopped at solving what ties them to the gang created by Yaichi but if you want more for character closure sorry you don’t get much and you don’t see the future of the characters or use the development that the character might get in substantial way . I think the duration was the problem 12 episode for those cast of character sigh .
Enjoyment : It isn’t something with interesting topic for myself or satisfying ending but It is for sure a fresh air . It is a simple anime which do its homework by giving characters backdrops , personalities which doesn’t felt over exaggerated for nothing and presence unlike the effortless anime ,so called fun anime .
If you felt that there are some messing points and this review is not well created you are welcome to send me feedback .