There were two animes today, Arslan Senki and God Eater. God Eater was the star of today's watches with its awemazing visuals. I got carried away and took over 70 screenshots which took a lot of time to upload. I'll make this one a God Eater special with only God Eater screenshots with some gifs to be added later on (probably). I'll push Arslan Senki screenshots to tomorrow alongside Akagami no Shirayuki-hime and Jitsu wa Watashi wa.
So God Eater had godly visuals. I was not disappointed when it came to the action. The visuals are ufotable level here. The slow-motion bits are cool. They're even more cool during the fights. The soundtrack is also great. Things got instantly awesome when the soundtrack kicked in. The 1st Unit Squad under Lindow, is dripping with badassery.
If there's any problem, it's Lenka, who's coming off as Hyakuya Yuichirou in another world. Lindow and co should knock some sense into him pronto.
This should take a character centered approach because there doesn't seem to be any other path which won't lead to big disappointments. The OP sequence also seems to suggest that.