Once upon a time, in the year of 2011, early January-
I was in my bed on my Ipod on Youtube watching Pucca(Not an anime)higo Momomiya in her transformation stage (THUMBNAIL), and I was like
"What tha heck is dis?' in my awesome(NOT) head
So I clicked it and I was like "COOL", so I looked up the episode and began watching it. Around that time, I was ten... so no judging!!! Anywho, after i finished that, i watched Mermaid Melody, but somehow i didn't finished the whole anime.
Soon after i figures what this type of show that i have been watching called 'anime' which was cool. Apparently my sis knew about this... 'sigh'. After that, i began watching all shorts, like Inuyasha, Gokudo, Girls Bravo(I have no clue... Another Story), Slayers, and a ton more with the same style. Late 1900s and early 2000s. Until I found like Haruhi Suzumiya(Never finished) and Full Moon o Sagashite!
Some how I began watching like the art style like Sword Art Online or No Game No Life!