I fucking hate Kyoto Animation. They got so much talent and budget, but they do moé shit almost 100% of the time. Yet, I consider them a good studio even though they brought death and misery to anime. Here's my top 5 Kyoto Animation anime series.
1. Nichijou
Probably the best humor anime I've seen in my life. Please make season 2.
2. Full Metal Panic
This proved they could do action and humor right and better than the previous studio which one
of the oldest ever (Gonzo). Fumoffu and Second Raid are fantastic animes.
3. Haruhi Suzumiya.
Even though season 2 was the biggest pile of shit the anime industry ever spawned, the Haruhi
Suzumiya franchise under Kyoto Ani was pretty damn solid. For moé it was good and it even
made fun of their own tropes they used in a lot of other animes. Also, the movie was pretty epic
and deep for a kyoto ani production.
4. Hyouka
One of the divisive titles they ever made. The fans say it's too weird, the elitists like me say it's
a step in right direction, but not quite enough, and some casuals call it a masterpiece. No it's not.
What it is is a good anime. Nothing more, and nothing less.
5. Clannad
I had a lot of fun with this harem. It was really fun and the second season brought some tears
to my eyes. But guess what... The first season is a generic soulless harem and the second season
just some cheep escapism. Bad things happen, but nothing counts in the end because of the
fucking time reset. It was not deep. It was a glens of what Kyoto Ani could of done great, but
only made it good. But it did succeed with the tasteless casuals!!
The rest is either mediocre or pure moé shit.