Started watching this tonight and I felt like I should do a blog to mention my first impression based off of the first episode of this anime. There will be spoilers for things that happen in the episode so you have been warned.
Starting off you have a guy eating out his wife, now don't take that sexually he literally bites her head off. Personally this wasn't the strongest way to start the episode as the only thing we've heard of this character yet is having the father talk about the "murder". It seems like they needed to add in a couple more minutes of footage at the cost of a few moments of plot or character development. Leading into our main character being awoken by a feminine voice that turns out to be his right hand.
Now let's bring up that though. If this character ends up becoming attached to the parasite that has become his right hand it could bring up way to many jokes in his future. Including him being the first man to legally marry his right hand. This also leads to a single unintentional joke for somebody who hasn't seen the series yet, the father asks "did you find that snake?" while their eating breakfast. Until they explain why he's asking this I thought he was asking his son if he masturbated the night before and the mother was just sitting there smiling through it. So having that scene explaining as the intro scene would have been a much better idea. Saving the side plot about the parasite killing the mans family would have been better touched on in another episode.
Moving onto the main character, I like him, his reactions are realistic regarding the situations with the exception of him waking up and realizing having a parasitic right hand wasn't just a bad dream and giving it the Sailor Moon treatment. He treats it like it's no big deal when a creature becoming his right hand is pretty damn big deal.
And the Ms. Righty (my name for it, live with it) is pretty much the same as any other character that lacks empathy. Though not as harsh as some of the other characters and she's (voice in feminine, live with it) also trying to keep the main character alive rather than killing him.
I'm going to watch a couple more episodes tonight and do a couple more blogs after each.