Welcome to my Profile and enjoy your stay.
I don`t trust people in the internet.
I trust my own Intuition.
Things i like about anime
1. Cute Girls
2. Flat Chested Girls (Flat is justice)
3. Emotional involvement
4. Fantasy Setting or Sci-fi setting
5. Witty Dialogue that can be funny
6. Good Cliches that were done right.
7. Moe
8. Unexpected/Unpredictable story
9. Lesbians
10. Mindblowing Plot
Things i dislike about anime
1. Go read the manga/Light Novel endings
2. Big Breasted girls (unless the character is goodly well-written)
3. Melodrama
4. Downer endings
5. Bad Cliches
6. Slow Pacing (because it`s so boring to watch unless the finale is good.)
7. Douchebag characters (except that MC from Hidan no Aria)
8. Cartoonish villains
9. Cockblockers
10. CGI (except on cars and mecha)
Fact :
A lot of people hates modern music because it change and went downhill, the new music is aimed at younger audience.
Music is part of Evolution.
A lot of Butthurt raging complaining Elitist hates modern anime because of shitty story, generic characters and fanservice, but modern anime got better animation, cute looking characters and it is aimed at Teenager audience.
Anime is part of Evolution.
Music from the 60-70`s and Anime from the 60-70`s is like Paleozoic Era.
Music from the 80-90`s and Anime from the 80-90`s is like Mesozoic Era.
Music from the year 2000`s and Anime from the 2000`s is like Cenozoic Era Paleogene period.
Music from the year 2010`s and Anime from the 2010`s is like Cenozoic Era Neogene period.
Music in the near future is all about Dubstep with Robotic Noises is like Quaternary Period.
Anime in the near future is all about Pure Fanservice overload with no sight of story, Very Attractive characters and CGI animation is like Quaternary Period.
Conclusion : Time has change, you`ll never go back.
Hipsters/Elitists were Denying the evolution of Science.
Science is Love, Science for Life.
If Humans choose the path of Hipster/Elitist, then your life will suffer and you can`t feel the Enjoyment, that`s the road of Pain.
My other Accounts.
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Let me sing a song for my people
My Top 10 Favorite Female Seiyuu
My Top 10 Favorite Male Seiyuu
List of Anime character type clones.
How i rate anime
LOTGH Boys = Perfection
My Favorite AMV

Anime is a very shallow show made in japan, anime has no plot, anime always ignore character development, anime likes trainwrecks, anime likes to make plot holes without explanation, Anime is Hyperactively Shallow.
I`m not an Otaku/Fanboy/Elitist/Hater or whatever.
i`m a person who always laugh at shitty anime with pleasure because some bad anime can be enjoyable to watch.
I'm a Completionist.

( ´∀`)☆
This is the Music of Moeness.
Click it if you dare!

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Showing your IRL picture will make you famous.
''Those who identify as 'Anonymous', they sicken me deeply, Anonymous was a mistake, it`s nothing but trash'' - 4chan
''Those who identify as 'Elitist', they sicken me deeply, Elitist was a mistake, it`s nothing but trash.'' - MAL
''Those who identify as 'Gamers', they sicken me deeply, Gamers was a mistake, it`s nothing but trash'' - GameFAQ
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This is me back in the old days.

Please join Doujinshi Club Circlejerk.

Do you want to send me a Friend Request?
Then listen to this until it`s finished.