I am playing Fizz, and Master Yi is against our team. He had like 23 kills and 2 deaths until I first saw him.
Short story long, we got into a scuffle and I threw out an ult at him and did my crazy Fizz stuff, and killed him. He got angry obviously and we went at each other.
But at the end of the game, after many tauntings back and forth, and he killed me so on and so forth, I said "honorably fought, gg".
I then gave him and the entire team honorable opponent.
The thing that annoys me is that a few minutes later of AFK and returning to keyboard, I was reported. Like, what? How can someone report you for breaking no rules at all?
More importantly, why would you want someone to get banned for normal behavior? I didn't do a single thing to anybody. This is so messed up. I have to think about this.