Taking into account the anime, manga, and/or any related content
This is not a favorites list (we do have a favorites section) but it's a list of series that I follow(ed) diligently and try(ied) to learn more about the series’ universe and not just for the sake of casual pleasure. I noticed that many anime and manga fans watch/read something, judge each category (Story/Characters/Art/Animation/Sounds/Enjoyment) and easily move on to the next series. And most of them are only willing to engage in fruitful discussions about their favorites. I feel like I’m in the lost. I will like an anime/manga mostly because of its story, in-universe events, environment, themes & issues discussed, and the charms & mysteries of the setting and characters, not because of how well a plot is progressed and a character is presented or developed and how the tropes are used, or how awesome, badass, cute, refreshing or feels material the series is. I humbly label myself one level above the casual audience, but four levels below the fanboys. Of course the series has to be at least good and in line with my preferences for me to like it. I won’t really call myself a fan of each of the series below, though.
One Piece
New World better be greater
Some weeb story: this brought me back to life
Slam Dunk
Sakuragi is my childhood hero
Fullmetal Alchemist
May sound far-fetched, but this is an "objective" masterpiece
Never has my blood boiled so much since Hajime no Ippo
Hunter x Hunter
Is it bad that I dislike the author?
Why am I not reading the VN yet?
Haruhi Suzumiya Series
For the nth time, Kyon is the true god
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
JoJo, nuff said
Spice and Wolf
I wanna buy the novels
Should have never read the final two chapters, I felt like a friend has left me
Hajime no Ippo
Another weeb story: helped me improve my sports journalism vocabulary thanks to the narrator
Illya >> Saber >= Rin > Sakura. Will read F/HA and other TM works some time
Lovely Complex
Search for "Kilig" and you'll know what I mean
Rurouni Kenshin
Hated Trust and Betrayal at first but after a few rewatches I finally saw its greatness
Great Teacher Onizuka
Onizuka better be my mentor in life
Death Note
Other series will just drool at DN's popularity worldwide
Shingeki no Kyojin
Yet another weeb story: started reading the manga during an ongoing armed rebellion in our city (the time the anime is also airing). Hearing of the event's after effects and reading this at the same time made the experience more depressing. Real weeb story: going through Facebook and seeing friends posting "lemme get my 3D maneuver gear and hack those filthy rebels" and "wait Imma titan shift." Cringe.
Eyeshield 21
American Football fans, is the depiction of the sports accurate?
It's Drrr, duh
Cowboy Bebop
Probably the only "'Murican" show I and will ever enjoy
Better than 95% of romance stories on TVs in my country
What naming sense
One Punch Man
OPM heroes > Marvel + DC + Mars Ravelo heroes
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Seo X Waka 5ever
I don't know why, but I actually like this
If the series is listed above, it means I’ve appreciated it beyond the conventional methods of storytelling. I’m willing to talk about the listed above be it a little chat or lengthy and insightful discussions (sorry for mostly being mainstream).
Obviously this will expand as I get into other series, so maybe I'll cut it into 30 series should ever I reached that point.